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Detoxifying Mint Limeade

I don't know about you, but I like my drinks tangy and sassy. This detoxifying mint lemonade is just that!

Mint has a host of benefits including proper digestion and weight loss, relief from nausea, fatigue, and clearing up acne. It's loaded with antioxidants (think clear and firm skin) and anti inflammatory properties (think anti-bloating.)

Lime is my absolute favorite! I always have a stash in the fridge. It adds a tangy flavor to just about anything and it's SO delicious for the skin! Loaded with Vitamin C, it helps keep the skin plump and immunity high. It is also extremely beneficial for the digestive system due to its digestive enzymes; plus it helps alkalize the body.

Watch out belly bloat, you have a sassy drink coming your way!


1 cup of freshly squeezed lime juice (you can also use lemons)

2.5 tablespoons mint leaves

4-5 lime slices for garnish

3 cups of water

1/2 cup honey or maple syrup


1. In a blender, mix the fresh lime juice and mint until the mint is very tiny particles

2. In a pitcher, add the mixture, 3 cups of water, and sweetener of choice.

3. Add mint and lime slices for garnish.

4. Store in fridge and enjoy with meals for easier digestion!

As always, with love and gratitude.

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