Statistically, weight loss is THE most popular resolution every year. Yet, according to the US World News, 80% of population stops working towards their goal by the second week of February.
So, why is it that with such great intentions - getting in shape and losing weight seems so elusive?
That is because, outside-in solutions such as diets and joining the gym are doomed to fail - unless you take the first step in changing your mindset.
When you enhance the ability to sustain the motivation and handle the discomfort that comes with change, as well as set long term, sustainable habits - you are much more likely to actually achieve your resolutions.
Why you aren't slimming down despite great intentions
Diets can be alienating, stressful, and restrictive - not to mention often very expensive.
Diets certainly don’t take lifestyle and individuality into consideration, sure they may have meal options, but not all types of food are best for everyone’s body and blood type.
For example, according to Dr. D’Adamo’s research, Blood Type A’s balance out their bodies faster on a vegetarian lifestyle because don’t they don’t have sufficient stomach acid to digest meat. Blood Type B’s benefit from meats such as lamb, goat, and mutton - in fact chicken can be toxic for B’s due to agglutinating lectin in its muscle tissue. When toxic foods are avoided and replaced with beneficial foods for your individual body and blood type, it is much easier to reach your weight loss goals.
People are generally confused about what they are supposed to eat.
Due to heavy marketing and advertising, we are bombarded with information about food, nutrition data, health benefits; often by special interest groups. As a general rule, the worse a food is for you, the more it is advertised.
How many ads for quinoa or kale have you seen lately?
Processed food are generally cheaper and available a bit too easily. Also, busy lifestyles promote fast food and eating on the run. Often people feel they just don’t have time to cook.
Despite all those obstacles, how do you reach your health goals? Keep is basic. Work on implementing one healthy habit at a time gradually, ideally one each week. This may seem like a slow process in a fast paced world that demands instant results for instant gratification, but it may be time to ask yourself if it’s time to slow down to get to know your body and what it really needs to stay happy and balanced.
By the end of six weeks, you can potentially have six new healthy habits that will turn into routines. This routine is what will set your goals in motion. Essentially, setting a solid routine of tasks that are done everyday is how you reach and sustain your health goals.
It’s not those three times you ate two pieces of cake at a work party that’s keeping you from slimming down. Meal planning, meal prepping, practicing mindfulness, and self care most days is what will help you slim down and stay that way.
Here are some of the quickest ways to start losing weight:
1.Drink water with lemon or ACV as soon as you wake up.
This refreshing drink will hydrate your skin, jumpstart your metabolism, and help you relieve sore muscles by removing lactic acid build up. (Lactic Acid build up is why you have sore muscles the day after a workout)
2. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
These foods provide healthy fiber and usable energy to keep you feeling full and energized longer. Greens help gently detoxify, alkalize, and balance your body. Fruits provide clean energy and help keep sugar cravings at bay. Say goodbye to mindless snacking and junk food cravings!
3. Eat good fats.
Healthy fats keep you satisfied and have a host of digestive and health benefits. They decreases inflammation in the body as well as help you stay energized. Some examples of “healthy fats” include almonds, walnuts, and avocados.
4. Eat mindfully.
Turn off the TV and other distractions, appreciate your food, and pay attention to what you’re eating to feel full and satisfied after you eat. Share healthy meals with loved ones - it makes mealtime more enjoyable and fun!
6. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Skipping meals affects your mood and blood sugar levels, and lends to overeating when you become too hungry.
7. Use smaller dishware.
People tend to eat more when their plate or bowl holds more food. It takes less food to create a plateful using a smaller dish.
8. Chew well.
Take two deep breaths before you start eating. This will help you slow down and be more present with your meal. Put your fork down between bites and slow down. Chewing well aids digestion and slowing down gives your brain time to register you’re full before you overeat . Try to chew 10-15 times before swallowing your food.
9. Cook more.
Cooking at home saves money and allows you to control the quality of ingredients and the amounts of fat, salt, and sugar used. Plus it will be made with love. Don’t worry about cooking something new everyday. Try 1-2 new recipes a week, and before you know it, you will have lots of recipes you can rotate.
10. Add in to crowd out.
Don’t deprive yourself by taking away foods you enjoy. Adding in new, healthier choices will naturally crowd out some of the less healthy foods.
11. Find love and fulfillment within yourself.
This is the most important of them all. Find joy in everyday life. Remember, we see what we look for. If you look for the simple blessings in your life, you will find them. Have gratitude for family, friends, a home, clean food, and most importantly YOUR BODY. When you have a deeper sense of gratitude for what you already have, you will feel more loved and fulfilled. This often is often all what people need to stop themselves from reaching for the cookie jar at midnight.