Give me stir fried vegetables, noodles, and a creamy sauce - I'm a happy girl on any day. Plus, I discovered an incredibly versatile noodle, called Kelp noodles. They are clear, thin noodles made from kelp, a kind of brown seaweed that is mostly tasteless. The good news - it takes on the any flavor your give it. They are extremely low in carbs (1 gram) and are gluten free. You can serve them with any kind of sauce: pesto, marinara, etc. Personally, they remind me of Asian noodles, so I opted for an Asian Inspired sauce.
(Vegan, Glutenfree)
1 TBS Miso Paste
2 TBS Almond Butter
1 Tsp Toasted sesame oil
1/2 lemon or lime
2 TBS water
Place all the ingredients in a bowl and stir well
1 cup Kelp noodles (rinsed and soaked in water in water for 10 minutes)
1 TBS coconut oil
2 cloves of chopped garlic
1/3 cup chopped onion
2 cups CHOICE of vegetables: green beans, broccoli, bokchoy , cabbage, cauliflower, peas. Make it your own, choose any combination of vegetables you enjoy.
I tried two different combinations: A. green beans and cabbage (this one tasted much better)
B. cauliflower and peas
1. Heat coconut oil and add garlic and onion.
2. Sauté for 1-2 min on medium heat
3. Add vegetables of choice, stir well.
4. Add 2-3 TBS of water and cover
5. Let vegetables cook until tender for approximately 6-7 minutes.
6. Enjoy with love and gratitude

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